Bladder / Bowel

There are a number of bladder and bowel problems which can increase falls risk.
  • Strong urge to urinate
  • Urine infections
  • Passing urine more than 10 times in 24hrs 
  • Having to go to the toilet more than twice nightly
  • Constipation - having hard bowel movements less than 3 times a week
  • Diarrhoea - loose watery faeces that need to be passed urgently
  • Difficulty accessing toilet
  • Undressing safely and quickly enough when going to the toilet. Or being able to dress again after, without hand support.

These issues can be exacerbated by poor hydration and high caffeine and / or alcohol intake.

How can I help manage incontinence:

You can help to keep your bladder and bowel healthy by drinking 6 to 8 cups of fluid per day and minimising any drinks containing caffeine or alcohol.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fibre e.g. wholegrain bread, cereals, peas and beans and fruit and veg, can help to ease constipation.

Maintaining a healthy pelvic floor (a 'hammock' of muscles located at the base of the pelvis, which support baldder and bowel control).

Gents should get a prostate check from the GP if you have a chnage in you bladder habits.

If you find it difficult getting to the toilet at night, a commode or urinal may be helpful. Speak to your GP or health professionals, such as the Falls Management service or Community Occupational therapy about a toiletting assessment, if you are having on-going issues and require further support.

Consider your clothing and whether you can manage to dress or undress appropriately when going to the toilet, for example elasticated trouser tops are easier to manage than fastenings and belts.

If you have continence aids, such as pads, make sure you can manage them independently. If they are not suitable for you, please contact the continence service via the single point of access on 0300 777 0002/, or nursing teams about alternative products.

Pelvic floor exercises